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MOF-808 Powder Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs)

CAS: 1579984-19-2

MOF-808 is a Zr-MOF first reported by Furukawa et al, features large cavities (diameter of 18.4 Å) and high BET surface areas exceeding 2000 m2/g. The high oxidation state of Zr in the inorganic secondary building unit (SBU) results in high charge density and bond polarization leading to strong coordination bond between Zr and O atoms in the structure, which imparts MOF-808 with remarkable stability in hydrothermal and acidic environments.

    Model Number


    Product Name


    Particle size

    ≈1 μm

    Specific surface area

    ≥1600 ㎡/g

    Pore size

    0.3~0.7,1.1~1.6 nm

    The inorganic SBU in MOF-808 comprises Zr63-O)4-(μ3-OH)4(CO2)12 clusters (referred to as Zr6-clusters), wherein terminal formate anions can be further replaced by other functionalized ligands during MOF synthesis or by PSM, allowing for facile incorporation of targeted functional groups. The presence of large cavities with stable, open coordination sites amenable to PSM has made MOF-808 an attractive candidate for use in industrial processes such as methane oxidation to methanol, heavy metal ion capture, superacid catalysis, water capture, shape-selective catalysis and others.

    KAR-F31   MOF-808

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